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Helenium / Sneezeweed

Genus: Helenium

Common Name: Sneezeweed


Helenium species make a wonderful addition to most summer gardens. With good sun and moderate water, these plants will bloom for many weeks, beginning in early summer. They attract many native bees, including sweat bees, bumble bees, long-horned bees and leafcutter bees. On the west coast, Helenium is a magnet for Agapostemon (green sweat bees) and Coelioxys (cuckoo bees).


Native Regions

Nationwide United States and Canada



Routinely available and easily grown in most parts of North America





Bloom Time

Summer, fall


Average Height

3 feet


Flower Color





Full sun


Water Requirements

Average to wet


Recommended Species

Helenium autumnale (common sneezeweed) is routinely available and can be grown in most parts of the United States and Canada, though it prefers moist soils.


Helenium flexuosum (purplehead sneezeweed) requires less moisture and is native to the eastern United States and Canada.


Several hardy garden cultivars exist, such as Helenium ‘Mardi gras’, which can be grown in most soils and will produce vivid yellow and orange blooms for six to eight weeks, beginning in mid-summer.

bee Visitors

Bombus / Bumble Bee

Coelioxys / Cuckoo Bee

Megachile / Leafcutter Bee

Melissodes / Long-horned Bee

Svastra / Sunflower Bee

Triepeolus / Cuckoo Bee

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